Traditional Sauerkraut with Juniper

recipe water element Feb 12, 2022
Juniper sauerkraut

1 Head of cabbage 

1 Carrot 

1 Tbs Salt 

6 Fresh juniper berries 

1tbs Black pepper corns 

1tsp Caraway 


Shred cabbage and carrot thinly, place cabbage, carrot, juniper, peppercorns and caraway into a large bowl and sprinkle with salt. Use a kitchen mallet or heavy bottom glass to press the cabbage and release its juices, work for about 5-10 minutes until cabbage is soft. 

Fill a wide mouth mason jar with the cabbage mixture and press down to release juices and pack the cabbage down. Fill the jar leaving about 1-2 inches of headroom at the top for the cabbage to expand. Press the cabbage down until it is fully submerged in its juices. If you need to add a few tbs of water to cover the cabbage do so. Cover the jar with a cheesecloth or coffee filter and secure with a rubber band. Let the sauerkraut ferment for 3-5 days on the counter depending on taste preference checking that the liquid is covering the cabbage, press down if need be. Store in the refrigerator and enjoy as a topping to a variety of meals.

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