Dao Yin: The Art Of Transformation
Feb 02, 2021
The history of Dao Yin yoga finds itself in the practices of Classical Chinese Medicine and martial arts. These practices date back to ancient times and were utilized as resources to help practitioners be able to move energy more effectively through their bodies, increase power, strength and stability. It provides the practitioner with a more refined inner sense of equanimity and peace.
There is a special spotlight on the Yin practice in the spring season as the wood element rules the ligaments and tendons as well as our flexibility.This time of year also spotlights the energy of awakening Qi that is moving and directing in us.
During our spring practice we have a powerful lesson to learn in how to harness and direct the energy of qi towards growth, personal evolution and healing.
The first transformation of the practice is that of cultivation of stillness. This is the physical aspect of the shape. The shape provides us access to the different lines of energy and physical container of how those lines of energy move through the body. The shape helps us to interface with gravity in a way that challenges barriers and blocks on the physical level. The first transformation allows us to set up a physical container so that we can begin to dissolve those barriers and blocks and explore more material space in the body. It is important in this practice that we set up these physical conditions that invite the edge of sensation of these barriers to feel supported by the earth underneath us. We utilize different props to bring the earth or ground closer to so that we may maintain this physical stillness and shape over a period of time. This stillness and container physically gives us access to the second and third transformations, it is in the physical container of the shape that we transform the structures of the body and learn to cultivate the inner terrain.
The second transformation of the Yin practice is that of awareness. Once we have set up the physical container, the breath begins to naturally emerge and we deepen the connection to what is happening in the physical body through stillness by observing with the breath. It is in the second transformation that the The depth and quality of the breath begin to move Through the physical shape. Identifying physical and psychological blocks and barriers.
As we cultivate a Deep Length In our breath gentle pauses of stillness between breath unlock the potential of the transformation. The breath not only allows us to observe what’s happening within us, but enhances our ability to create change through the whole body system.
The power of the breath and the quality of the breath is one of the most important resource, that through our life, we can learn to deepen and engage unlimited levels of intimacy with the self.
The Yin practice helps us cultivate breath in turn to enhancing how we show up in ourselves and in the world around us. This practice is special in the sense that it gives us access to energetic pathways in the inner terrain and allows us to deeply familiarize ourselves with what’s happening internally. Many times in our Western cultures we become very disconnected from our breath. And our breath has adapted itself to trauma or stress; and we though these adaptations begin to disassociate from parts of our body and mind inviting fragmentation and disconnect. This practice allows us to rewrite and master the potential of the breath As the foundation that moves us into the third transform aion, which is inviting the breath into restriction or barriers to create change.We utilize the depth and quality of the breath to be able to explore different ways of opening, lengthening and ultimately expanding in all directions. This not only transforms the material terrain of the body, but it deepens our capacity to feel and expand our energy body, internally and externally into space. It is in this transformation where we are inviting ourselves to explore the universe of potential within the self and how that potential extends and expresses back into the universe.
This is where we really learn to start living in the fullness of ourselves and how we can bring our gifts of expression to the world while equally taking in the support and nourishment of the world.
This practice is appropriate for all ages and all health state of the body. It is something that can be used during injury or illness, to enhance performance and engage deeper will and strength through opening the channels for expression of the body.
The Dao Yin practice teaches us to be patient with ourselves and to face all of our potential.
Listen to The Virtue of Spring podcast:
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