10 Minutes to vitality

breath 101 Oct 25, 2021

What if I told you that 10 minutes a day of breath work would have a PROFOUND effect on your vitality, consciousness, and quality of life? 


I’ve been reflecting a lot these days on my practice of conscious breath work and how it carries me through my days and seasons. I began studying breath work about 20 years ago and it has been an essential companion in all my efforts of study, training and practice.  


Conscious Breathing has given me the fortitude to earn a 2nd degree blackbelt and professional credentials in Classical Chinese Medicine, Somatic Therapies, and Qi Gong. 


What I’ve found is that the more I can make space in my days to connect with my breath, the more calm I am. The more present I am. The more embodied I am. The more I am able to focus on living my dreams. 

We all know that life is difficult. 


We regularly feel stressed and overwhelmed and wanting better, but being tired and over-engaged....It can all feel so tight. 

Breath creates spaciousness.  


Breath is magic.

Here are some interesting elements of a favorite breath exercise of mine. 


This is part of my Free Breath 101 Course


The Breath Wave. 


Feel free to skip this part and jump right over to the free course to learn the Breath Wave right now. 


I learned this breath technique from my teacher of Structural Integration (Rolfing), Mark Manton. This teaching introduces us to a way of expressing a full potential of inhale and exhale by supporting the structure of the body to maintain alignment and openness.


Did you know you have 4 diaphragms, not just 1? 


Here are the 4 Diaphragms and a bit about each of them: 

  • Pelvic Diaphragm 


Activates a pelvic rock and abdominal movement. Energetically responsible for all things money, sex and power. Any issues we have around stability, survival, resources, sexuality and our ability to stand in our power typically show up in the pelvis. This tends to create holding patterns in the pelvis which can be opened up and released with this breathing practice. 

  • Breathing Diaphragm


The well known one. Expands Thoracic cavity and increases lung capacity. Known as the halfway house of emotions. Responsible for either holding on to things we do not know how to process or processing and releasing things we are going through. Commonly holds tension of emotional holding patterns.


  • Clavicular Diaphragm


Increases thoracic space and activates neck muscles. Dynamically related to the stress response. In fight or flight response, it is the muscles of the neck that tighten for action. We “shoulder” responsibility and carry much burden in this space. When we open this diaphragm, it has the great effect of opening and expanding the heart. This invites love, peace, harmony, connection and expression; as well as more space for the cardio-respiratory system to open up to.

  • Cranial Diaphragm


Expands cranial structure and activates cerebral spinal fluids pumping action. Essential for full inspiration and our ability to fully connect with the higher self and potential. Attuning to Spirit. Connection with Divine. 



It is the coordination and communication between these 4 diaphragms that create the breath wave. As you continue in this technique, spending time in each of these diaphragms, oxygen and attention begin unwinding the adaptive patterns of stress and trauma that are stored in these powerful centers. 


Did you know there is a part of your body termed the ‘liquid crystalline hologram’ by researchers?  


Fascia is the spiraling connective tissue that wraps every organ, muscle, bone and cell in the body. Most of us were taught to believe that it is our musculoskeletal structure that holds us upright, yet that is actually our fascia’s domain. Fascia creates the openness and up-ness of our physical body. 


Fascia is a very sensitive being and that saying, “your issues are in your tissues” most certainly speaks to it. Trauma, survival patterns, adaptations and the like create collapsing of the fascial lattices. This leads to torsion, the action or state of being twisted. 


Lucky for us, fascia is affected by very subtle responses and is re-patterned quite easily with awareness and breath. Hit up the FREE Breath 101 Course and start receiving the benefits today. 

If you want to experience:

  • improved brain function
  • improved focus + attention
  • connection with higher consciousness
  • the releasing of stored trauma
  • improved circulation of body and Spirit
  • expanded potential 
  • increased inner brightness
  • The power of YOUR breath


Join us in this life changing practice and see what 10 minutes a day can do for YOU. 


I wholeheartedly hope you receive as much value, healing and nourishment from these Breath Work practices as I have over the last 20 years. Enjoy the free training.


Have you checked out our Spring Detox eBook & Microcourse? 

If you're ready for a fresh start – a true inside out restart – then yes, this micro-course is absolutely for you!

Learn More